casue this is real, and this is good
it warms the inside just like it should~ most of all...
感受一下 輕快熱情的音樂風~
I've looked for love in stranger places
but never found someone like you
someone whose smile
makes me feel i've been holding back
and now there's nothing I can do
cause this is real, and this is good
it warms the inside just like it should
most of all
most of all, it's built to last
it's built to last
all of our friends
saw from the start
so why didn't we believe it too?
now look, where we are
you're in my heart now
and there's no escaping it for you
cause this is real, and this is good
it warms the inside just like it should
but most of all
most of all, it's built to last
walking on the hills at night
with those fireworks and candlelight
you and i were made to get love right
cause this is real, and this is good
it warms the inside just like it should
but most of all
most of all, it's built to last
cause you are the sun in my universe
consider the best when we felt the worst
and most of all, most of all
most of all, most of all,
most of all. most of all
it's built to last
魅力幫(Mêlée)的流行搖滾音樂有著一份難以抗拒的自在快感,還有一份觸動人心的真實感動,Piano Pop新幫主的魅力充分展現在他們入主華納唱片公司的首張大碟“Devils & Angels”中,盡情地揮灑著當代英式搖滾樂團以鋼琴與人聲創造動人歌曲的神采,並且找回了許久不見的加州搖滾活力。

來自美國加州橘郡的魅力幫成員分別是Chris Cron(主唱/鍵盤/吉他)、Ricky Sans(吉他/主唱)、Ryan Malloy(貝斯/主唱)以及Mike Nader(鼓手)。2004年,魅力幫於獨立廠牌Hopeless & Sub City旗下發行首張專輯《Everyday Behavior》,便以其重節奏的流行曲風頗獲好評,並引起主流大廠的注意,最終入主華納唱片,推出2007年度大碟《Devils & Angels》。

此輯所要傳達的主題是美國時下二十來歲年輕人的故事,關於人生、愛情以及朋友的一些感受。專輯製作由獲得2006年葛萊美獎“年度製作人”大獎提名的Howard Benson(My Chemical Romance、Chris Daughtry)操刀,樂曲從駕馭力十足的流行搖滾國歌到振奮人心的重拍流行情歌小品,全都在紮實的副歌、輕快動人的旋律與主唱Chirs昂揚的歌聲以及充滿意境的鋼琴彈奏之中展現其獨特的性格。

首支單曲<Built To Last>,就在流暢的搖滾音樂線條中流露出樂團沉穩、洗鍊的歌聲情感;鋼琴情歌小品<Can't Hold On>描述著Chirs聽見自己所認識的朋友突然過世的消息後,反省自我對於情感表達的麻木;<Imitation>這首歌則是在承受壓力之後所領悟到給予支持的重要;<Rhythm Of Rain>這首歌的靈感則是深受卡翠娜颶風的啟發。此外,樂團也重新詮釋了Hall & Oates的1981年TOP 5單曲<You Make My Dreams>。

這是一張以情感關係為概念的專輯,魅力幫希望能透過音樂傳達他們的關懷,並且加入Hopeless & Sub City唱片公司所創立的非營利組織籌募基金計劃,選擇一家救助橘郡社區中的受虐兒童組織「Orangewood Pals」,實際執行音樂人回饋社會的行動。


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