目前分類:Living in Hawaii (14)

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Jarrett have planned to writting this memoir for a long time, but it's different for me to decide who I should record.
For example, Olivia, Masa, Kenta,Kazu, Bam, Ayako, Kazu, Sachiko,Thuy, Ayaka, Satomi, Q, K, Kyeong, Peter, Kozue, Miharu, Yukino, Tresun, Young hwan, Ian, Yi-Hsuan, kyokosan, Masami, nita, and ikumi help me a lot and share our feelings to each other.

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Having a speech to be the representative of the graduates  is my biggest honor in HELP.
I got the information from Steve in the two weeks before the final party.

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Maui trip is the first self-service travel in ur Hawaii days.
It is one of the best experiences in my Hawaii life, and through this, I re-realize many good friends in HELP.

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艾吉非常討厭 可以說是幾近缯恨"惡意不誠實的人"  (當然無傷大雅的欺騙可以接受)

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A Net dating service, also known as online dating or internet dating, is an example of a dating system and allows individuals, couples and groups to meet online and possibly develop a romantic or sexual relationship. Net dating services provide un-moderated matchmaking through the use of personal computers, the Internet, or even cell phones.

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What will you do if you see that your roommate are sexing when coming back your room?

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  Culture shock is that you go to other places whose culture are different from your original culture and it make you difficult to adapt. For example, my poor English listening ability is one of the biggest problems. And many people from Asian countries think that the food there are so bland, full of sauce, fat, sweet, ect.  There exist always all kind of the surprising you never want. Here are my homework below:

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第一次接到她的電話 按下通話就霹靂啪拉  連是哪個大學的都沒聽清楚

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Frisbee is the one of my sister’s boyfriend’s favor game. Now, Jarrett fell into love with it, too. Last Sunday, I played it with two Taiwanese and many Chinese, enjoying a simply-ruled and simply-equipped competition. Like soccer, the rule of ultimate frisbee can be held easily on site which is just more as 3 times as a basketball site. Running, jumping, slinking, swaying, and shouting are all permitted in this moment. Specially, it needs many tactics, like soccer. The most important thing is that, it isn’t as dangerous as soccer, because players can not touch the hold until the hold let his frisbee fly again. Actually, the only dangerous moment is when frisbee prepares to land, but every experienced player know that they can use their body to make the best situation or position to catch it, like rebounders in basketball games. How to grade, or how to get a point, is very easy. A little like football, your throw your frisbee and the catcher get it over the point line without outside, so all you need to do is to plan a short cut and do it.


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今天跑去Wakiki海灘衝浪了, So exciting.


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每天早上都偷偷祈禱 若是能差大約12小時左右應該比較好適應,差這種剛好一半低!

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嗯嗯   如果算起來是台灣時間3/29下午兩點從台北起飛   目標:來企好挖宜~
一上飛機 就坐在一各菲律賓家族中間

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