目前分類:心情 (107)

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 1. 長相不令人討厭,如果長得不好,就讓自己有才氣;如果才氣也沒有,那就和和氣氣。


2. 氣質是關鍵。如果時尚學不好,寧願純樸。


3. 與人握手時,可多握一會兒,真誠是寶。


4. 說話的時候記得常用「我們」開頭,不必什麼都用「我」作為主語。


5. 不要向朋友借錢。


6. 不要強迫客人看你的家庭相冊。


7. 與人搭計程車時,請搶先坐在司機旁。




9. 有人在你面前說某人壞話時,你只微笑。












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This article is referred to a famous magazine.
It talks about how to evaluate yourself.

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After the time back from China, it passed nealy 1 week.
In this seven days, I stayed up with my company's website, and frighted entrovirus.

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This sentence I saw first in the fiction, Da Vinci Code.


In page 119 of  Chapter 23 of DaVinci code

He(Sauniere) gazed her (Sophie) several seconds

"I'll say this once more, Sophie, because it's important. You need to learn to respect other people's privacy."


Yes! It's very important to respect other people's privacy!

If a friend is willing to share his secrets to you, you should keep his/her secret as possible as you can.

Even though you know that he is wrong and even commit a crime, you should ask and give some suggests for him/her without disclosing his/her secret.


Recently, I made a mistake.

If I heard a secret obliquely, could I blab out it?

One of my friends told me someone secrets, and it’s really interesting.

Maybe, for funny, or difficulty to keep the secret.

However, human’s emotion is hard to predict, and human is hard to keep secrets!

Somebody never mind his secret, which he may intend to leak it; however, some people strongly care of their secrets, especially in girls.


If you tell others someone’s secret which you promise you should not to say to others, it finally will transfer into that guy’s ear.

Moreover, if he/she only told to you, he will realize who blab out it.

That’s such an embarrass situation, and he/she has the right to angry.


Through the Da Vinci Code, I introspect again and again.

Could I blab out someone’s secret or tell someone’s privacy that I find it unwittingly?

Today, I think answer is “No”.


I remember news that a perpetrator confessed, but the priest leaked it in the last years.

Although it is a religious rule, we could use this principle to deal this kind of the situation.

Sympathize other’s feelings, and do the best way you conclude.

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20年前開始就存在著一個名詞 "台灣爆發戶"

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燕子的錯誤 經濟日報/羅智強/2006.12.18

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恩恩   如果非得要用一句話來形容這次的台北之旅,

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