在今天確定倒閉之前,Circuit city 美國第二大電子消費者通路商 (BestBuy第一大)的倒閉消息已經傳很久了。
未來在CESS (Consumer Electronic Super Stores) 只剩下BestBuy 獨佔這個實體通路。
在思考Circuit City 為什麼要倒閉? 個人思考主要有三個理由:
1. 不敵主要趨勢: 主要趨勢變成實體產業慢慢向網路通路業發展。
2. 市場策略: 市場策略無法跟競爭對手做一個有效區別,賣相似的產品,作相似的服務。
3. 品牌化: 消費者無法在Best Buy 與 Circuit City做一個有效區別,Best Buy在知名度與形象規劃(Name, looking, layout)都較精緻。
以後有空再做更詳細的分析吧~ 不過這兩天可以搶倒店貨。(別忘記不能退貨喔)
Founded in 1949 as the Wards Company, Circuit City is headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. At the time of the liquidation announcement (January 16, 2009), the company operated 567 stores in 153 media markets in the U.S. and approximately 765 retail stores and dealer outlets in Canada
Liquidators will start arriving in our 567 stores across the U.S. over the weekend, and closing sales will start as early as Saturday, January 17. Closing sales will run as long as it takes to sell existing inventory, but are expected to wrap up by the end of March. When the liquidation sales are completed, the stores will be close.